How to Lift a Ford F350 Truck

How to Lift a Ford F350 Truck

Lifting your Ford F350 is necessary if you wish to complete any number of basic mechanical or repair procedures such as changing a flat tire, changing your oil or replacing an air filter. Though the procedure for lifting an F350 is not unlike that for lifting any other vehicle, certain precautions must be taken given that F350s top out at a factory gross weight of nearly four tons. Lifting your Ford F350 requires you to be additionally aware of the safety precautions one must take when lifting any car.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 ton jack
  • Ford F350 Owner's Manual
  • Jack stands
  • Drive your F350 to a level position. If your truck is immobile, consider having it towed to a level location prior to trying to lift it. Attempting to jack up your truck on ground this is not level could result in the jack slipping out from underneath your truck, causing your truck to fall to the ground, potentially causing serious damage, injury or death.

  • Put your truck in gear if it is a manual transmission or in park if it is an automatic transmission.

  • Place blocks or bricks behind the wheels you are not attempting to lift. This will prevent your truck from rolling while you are lifting it.

  • Locate the lift point near to the wheel you are trying to lift. Use your truck's owner's manual to identify the proper lift points for each wheel. There will also be a lift point directly between both the front wheels and the rear wheels if you need to raise the entire front end or rear end of your truck. This would be necessary in order to undertake mechanical procedures such as changing your truck's oil.

  • Position the five-ton jack so that the lift plate lines up directly with your chosen lift point. Though a Ford F350 does not approach five tons in weight, and lifting only one side requires only approximately two tons of lifting power, a five-ton jack provides added security. Attempting to lift your truck by a point other than an appropriate lift point could damage your truck.

  • Crank up your jack using the appropriate jack lever.