The Ford 302 engine--now called the 5.0L engine--has been around for decades, and used in cars, trucks, SUVs and marine applications. The proper operating temperature for a 302 is determined by the temperature at which the vehicle's cooling system thermostat opens and closes. The temperature thermostat used in a 302 depends on application and the vintage. Factory installed thermostats on 302s range from 160 degrees to 192 degrees.
Mechanics often modify engines to make them more efficient or more powerful. A part of this work often involves substituting a thermostat with a lower setting to increase the cooling capacity of the motor. Your 302 with a 180 degree thermostat may run better with a 160 degree unit.
Check with a dealer or auto parts retailer to learn which temperature thermostat is standard in your 302 engine. Compare that with the temperature gauge on your vehicle. If your engine runs significantly hotter or colder, have the system checked by a mechanic. Unless you plan to put unusual demands on your vehicle's motor, stick with the thermostat setting originally installed.