Can Snow Cause a Check Engine Light to Come On?

Can Snow Cause a Check Engine Light to Come On?

Snow can indirectly cause a check engine light to come on. Depending on the type of vehicle, sensors may be triggered by conditions encountered in snowy weather or the engine may be encountering more serious issues.

Engine is Wet

  • Mechanic Advisor mentions one cause for the check engine light is a wet engine. Melted snow in the form of water that reaches a spark plug can cause a short resulting in the warning light.

Loss of Traction

  • Engine Light Help has a complete list for Honda check engine light codes. Included are traction control issues. Snow and ice can cause traction issues and could be a cause for the check engine light.

Proper Diagnosis

  • Though weather such as snow can be a cause for the check engine light, the warning also may be for many different serious issues. Mechanics Advisor instructs to take the vehicle to a dealer or mechanic for a professional diagnosis.