When dealing with grime- and oil-covered engine parts, it is important to have a cleaner that is safe to use and store that also will cut through grease. Both mineral spirits and diesel work effectively as independent cleaning agents, but when they are combined, they can safely clean nearly any mechanical part without damaging it. To mix diesel and mineral spirits, you need a container that is large enough to store them and that has a seal-able lid. Allowing the solution to set on the parts for a few minutes will help to loosen stuck-on grime.
Pour the mineral spirits into the barrel. Make sure that your barrel is more than large enough to hold 10 gallons of liquid and still be mixed.
Pour the diesel fuel into the barrel and mix the two liquids with the stirring rod.
Siphon some of the mixture into a smaller container or pan to wash parts in. Another option is to connect the barrel with your mixture to a parts cleaner set up that will siphon the liquid into an upper portion to clean the parts. Store the mixture in a closed container in a cool area.
Keep mixture away from cigarettes or open flames because it is flammable. Do not store the container in a hot area or in direct sunlight.