The alternator is a vital piece of equipment for virtually all modern cars and trucks. Qithout a properly functioning alternator, an automobile will not be able to sustain the battery or the vehicle's electrical system, thus making the vehicle inoperable. Of course, like any other mechanical component, alternators can break down and need to be replaced. Do not simply chuck a broken alternator in the trash, though. Because it's made of copper, aluminum and steel, you can recycle the alternator and make a little cash at the same time.
Search the yellow pages of your phone book for local scrap metal dealers/recyclers or auto salvage yards. If you can't find a scrap metal recycler or dealer in your area, a salvage yard may be able to dispose of the alternator for you or inform you of disposal alternatives.
Remove the outer metal casings of the alternators if you have multiple alternators, then separate the copper from the inner mechanism of the alternator. You will be able to get more money for a large amount of clean copper than if you simply turn in the whole alternator. You can also recycle the outer casing, which is often either cast aluminum or steel.
Drop the alternator or disassembled parts off at the scrap metal recycler. Usually, the dealer/recycler will give you a flat sum for whole alternators. If you've disassembled alternators, the recycler will weigh the copper and other parts separately and pay you a base rate per pound.