Your old ATV may look decrepit or worn out because of peeling paint. When you update the paint job on your ATV you can add extra style by giving your ATV a camouflage, or camo, pattern. Camo patterns were made popular by the US Military and tend to signify strength and sneakiness. Painting camo on the plastic of your ATV requires special techniques when compared to painting the metal surface of a car.
Clean the plastic surface of your ATV using a mild soap and hot water. Allow the ATV to air dry.
Sand the plastic surface using a 180-grit sandpaper. This helps remove old paint and rust.
Scrub ATV plastic using a scuff pad and Scuff Magic solution. Give your ATV another round of sanding with 180-grit sand paper in order to remove any left over sports of paint, rust, or crust.
Clean the sanded plastic using a plastic cleaner. Spray the plastic cleaner on the plastic of your ATV and allow the cleaner to sit for about one minute. Wipe the cleaner off of the plastic using a clean towel to remove dust and oil from the plastic.
Apply a coat of Plastic Magic to the surface of the ATV. Allow the first coat to dry completely and apply a second coat.
Apply a paint primer to the entire surface of the ATV. Allow the primer to fully catalyze with the ATV surface.
Draw the camouflage pattern on the ATV surface using a light pencil. Draw any desired shapes or sizes. Camouflage print can be made of large or small shapes. Typically, most camouflage print features a variety of rounded shapes.
Open the can of the lightest paint color and apply the paint to the ATV using a medium sized paint brush. Apply paint to about one third of the shapes you drew in Step 7. Don't worry too much about painting perfectly or choosing the right shapes. Camouflage should look slightly random. Allow the paint to dry and add a second coat.
Apply the medium-colored camouflage paint to the ATV. Color in about half of the remaining shapes. Don't worry if you paint over some of the edges of the lighter colored camouflage. Allow this paint to dry and add a second coat.
Apply the darkest color of camouflage paint and fill in all of the remaining shapes. Make sure that there are no spots left where the primer shows through. Add a second coat of paint after the first coat of paint dries.
Apply two coats of clear paint to the plastic once the camouflage dries completely.