Florida law requires that license plate tags be renewed each year. Tags that aren't renewed before the registration expires, will be subject to a late fee starting at $5 and up to $250. When a plate is renewed, a sticker displaying the current registration year must be affixed to the upper-right corner of the plate. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (HSMV) governs vehicle registration services and provides three convenient ways to help people renew their license plate tags.
Go to GoRenew.com, Florida HSMV online renewal website (see Resources).
Agree to the terms and conditions and hit "Continue."
Enter the Florida License Plate tag number, the last four digits of the registered owner's social security number and birth date in the corresponding fields. Press "Continue."
Pay required fees with a debit or credit card and submit the renewal. Your renewal stickers will be issued in the mail.
Gather both the vehicle registration renewal and debit or credit card.
Call the Florida GoRenew hotline at (866) 467-3639.
Follow the automated prompts. You will be required to enter in the registration renewal number, birth date and social security number of the registered owner. Enter in a credit or debit card number to complete the purchase of new tags. New license plate tags will be sent to you in the mail.
Gather the registration renewal, driver's license, proof of current insurance and a method of payment. Registration renewal may be paid with cash, check, credit or debit card.
Go to the nearest HSMV or tax collector office (see Resources).
Pay all applicable fees to the representative and new tags will be issued in person.