Unlike timing belts, timing chains like that used in the Chevrolet Cavalier should last the life of your car. As long as the timing chain is properly greased and at the correct tension, the timing chain should not be a problem. For most Cavalier models you shouldn't let the timing chain worry you.
Chevy Cavaliers with the 2.2-liter engine made between 1995 and 1997 are prone to experiencing a problem with the timing chain tensioner. This can cause the timing chain to lose tightness and potentially grind against its housing. If the chain fails, you could be looking at big time engine damage.
A good mechanic will always check the timing chain when the car is in for service. If your Cavalier is a 2.2-liter from the mid-90s, a tensioner problem might come up. You can check out your timing chain yourself. If it is hanging slack or looks ground down, have a professional take a look.