The 2005 Chevrolet Corvette was the last model-year to come with a drain plug on the bottom of the transmission. The transmissions on the 2006 Chevrolet Corvettes and later models come equipped with sealed transmissions. The automatic transmission fluid is responsible for protecting all of the internal gears and seals inside of the transmission. The transmission fluid bonds to the gears and seals to prevent heat friction. Change the automatic transmission fluid between 75,000 and 100,000 miles on your 2005 Chevrolet Corvette.
Drive your 2005 Chevrolet Corvette for about 15 minutes to heat up the automatic transmission fluid. A hot transmission causes the transmission fluid to get thin. Thin transmission fluid will drain faster, and this will help more of the transmission fluid to drain out of the transmission.
Park your 2005 Chevrolet Corvette on a flat surface and turn the engine off. Open the hood and secure it in place.
Jack up the front and rear of your 2005 Chevrolet Corvette. Position jack stands under the frame rail on all corners of the car. Make sure to position the stands near the wheels so that the weight of the Corvette is evenly distributed across the stands. The front jack stands need to be positioned under the frame behind the front wheels. The rear stands need to be positioned under the frame in front of the rear wheels.
Lower the floor jack until your 2005 Chevrolet Corvette is sitting securely on the stands. Leave the jack in the up position. Check all four stands to make sure the Corvette is safely on top of each one.
Slide under the Corvette near the driver's side door with a drip pan. Locate the transmission pan on the bottom of the transmission then find the drain plug in the very center of the transmission pan. Position the drip pan under the drain plug. Loosen and remove the drain plug with a 1/2-inch drive ratchet and socket. Once all of the fluid has drained out of the transmission, reinsert the drain plug and screw it into the transmission pan until snug. Tighten the plug with the ratchet and socket.
Slide the drip pan full of fluid out from under the Corvette. Then locate the fill cap for the transmission fluid on the rear driver's side of the engine. The transmission fluid dipstick is in the center of the fill cap. Unscrew the automatic transmission fluid fill cap and insert a funnel.
Pour 3.9 quarts of Dexron VI automatic transmission fluid into the funnel. To get 3.9 quarts of fluid into the transmission, leave just a small amount of fluid in the fourth quart of transmission fluid. Wait for the transmission fluid to drain down into the transmission. Remove the funnel and screw the fill cap back on.
Crank the engine and let it run for about one minute. Then hold the brake pedal down and shift the gear lever through all of the gears and then back into park again. Leave the engine running.
Pull the transmission fluid dipstick out of the fill cap and check the fluid level on the dipstick. The fluid level should be at or near the "Maximum Capacity" line on the dipstick. Slide the dipstick back into the fill cap and turn off the engine. Close the hood.
Jack your 2005 Chevrolet Corvette back up and remove all of the stands. Lower the Corvette to the ground and remove the jack.