How to Keep Car Windows Free From Frost When Parked Outside

How to Keep Car Windows Free From Frost When Parked Outside

During the winter months, it can be a pain to scrape ice and frost off of your car windows. Not only do you have to get up early so you will have a few extra minutes to do the job, but you also have to stand in the freezing cold while you are doing it. By parking your car in a garage, you don't have to worry about frosty windows in the winter. However, if you don't have a garage, you can still fight back to prevent frost from wreaking havoc on your windows.

Things You'll Need

  • Shed
  • Tarp
  • Spray bottle
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Park your car under an outdoor shed if there is one available. Though the shed will not provide the full covering that an entire garage would provide, the coverage will be sufficient enough to keep frost off your windows.

  • Cover the outside of the car's windows with a car tarp. If you don't have a tarp, you can also use a sheet, blanket, cardboard or any other material that is large enough to cover all of the windows.

  • Purchase a special frost-free window solution to protect your car's windows from frost. You can purchase these professional solutions from a local automotive supply store.

  • Spray your car's windows with a homemade vinegar and water solution. To make the solution, you can use 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water. For example, if you use 3 cups vinegar, you will use 1 cup water. The windows should be sprayed with the vinegar and water solution before allowing your car to sit overnight.

  • Mix 1 cup isopropyl alcohol with 1 qt. water. Use a spray bottle to spray the alcohol solution on your car windows before allowing the car to sit for long periods of time in the cold.