How to Remove a Steering Column in a 1973 Super Beetle

How to Remove a Steering Column in a 1973 Super Beetle

Maintaining a 1973 Super Beetle is not as complicated as maintaining newer versions of the Beetle. This is mainly because the 1973 model mostly deals with mechanical and not electrical issues. Mechanical repairs may involve issues with your Beetle's steering wheel. If you want to change or repair the steering wheel of your Super Beetle, you may want to know how to remove the steering column.

Things You'll Need

  • Utility knife
  • Ratchet
  • Park your 1973 Super Beetle on level ground and take the key out of the ignition. When parking the Super Beetle, make sure that the wheels are positioned straight ahead.

  • Disconnect the negative cable of the car battery. The negative cable of the battery has a "-" sign and is color black.

  • Pry off the center cap of the steering wheel using a utility knife. Be careful not to damage the cap of the steering wheel.

  • Locate the wire inside the wheel that connects the horn button to the horn and disconnect it. Be careful not to damage the wiring harness inside the steering column.

  • Remove the steering wheel retaining bolt and the disc beneath it with a ratchet. Set aside both the bolt and its washer aside.

  • Pull the steering wheel toward you carefully but strong enough to detach it from the steering column. Wiggle the wheel around to dislodge it from the shaft. Set aside the wheel on a soft surface so you don't damage it.

  • Remove the upper and lower cover of the steering column. Then remove bolts of the steering column. Slide off the turn signal and remove the windshield wiper switches.

  • Remove the upper column retaining bolts, and take out the upper steering shaft and the tube together. Set the whole unit aside and move on the lower part of the steering column.

  • Remove the lower steering column retaining bolt and spring with a ratchet. Then remove the main clamp bolt on the steering column.

  • Pull out the lower steering column from the floor board to detach it completely.