An engine has a number of pulleys controlling a lot of different components. If one of the components needs to be worked on or if the pulley is damaged, you will need to remove the pulley from the engine. To properly remove an engine's pulley, you will need a pulley tool. This tool will help to ensure that you don't damage the engine, pulley or any engine components. The pulley tool is not difficult to operate and can be purchased or rented at most auto parts stores.
Open the hood of your vehicle and locate the engine pulley that you are going to be removing from the engine.
Place the pulley tool over the face of the pulley covering the bolt in the middle of the pulley. Ensure that the pulley tool arms are braced tightly over the pulley.
Thread the pulley tool bolt through the middle of the pulley tool. Twist the key of the pulley tool tightly clockwise. As you tighten the key on the pulley tool, the bolt in the middle of the pulley tool will push against the engine and the arms of the pulley. The pulley tool will pull the pulley off the engine.