What Problems Result From a Car Not Being Driven?

What Problems Result From a Car Not Being Driven?

If your are leaving home for an extended period of time, perhaps for an overseas trip or a tour of duty in the military, you may be leaving your vehicle behind long-term. If so, problems can result from the vehicle sitting for any duration longer than a couple of weeks, or months. Additional problems can occur if the car is in the open and not protected from the elements.

Tire Damage

  • If the tires are not fully inflated, cracks will develop in the sidewalls if the car sits for a protracted amount of time. The tires can also develop flat spots that can cause them to permanently lose their shape.

Dead Battery

  • A car battery will lose its charge over time if the vehicle is not started and driven. Have a friend periodically start your car and take it for a spin to keep the battery operating. If your car is a new model with computer-operated systems, do not disconnect and remove the battery before you leave, as this can cause the computer systems to malfunction.

Damage to the Finish

  • You may not have the luxury of having a a garage or covered area in which to keep your set of wheels .A car left out in the elements long-term will experience damage to its finish. Wash and wax your car before you leave to protect it against Mother Nature. This same treatment will protect your car from dust if it is kept in a garage.

Damage from the Parking Brake

  • Assuming the car will be sitting, disengage the parking brake before you leave, as there is a possibility that the brake line can bond to the brake drum over time. If you car has an automatic transmission, shift it into park. If it has a manual shift, plut it in neutral. Be sure to block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling.

Upholstery Damage

  • Extended exposure to the sun's rays can cause damage to your car's interior. Material will fade or crack, especially if it is made of leather or vinyl. If your car will be stored outside, apply a product such as Armor All to the interior. Another option is to cover the interior of the car with blankets.


  • A car left out in the open and unused can become a target for thieves. If your vehicle does not have a security system, try to park it in an area where it is under observation as much as possible.