A five connector automotive relay, generally used to operate accessories that draw more than 30 amps, connects through a pre-wired relay socket. One side of the coil goes to ground and the other side to power from the switch that operates the accessory. The common (C) contact wires to the power source, and the normally open (NO) contact provides power to the accessory when the relay operates. The normally closed terminal (NC) connects to the C terminal when the relay is idle, and is rarely used. You need to be familiar with automotive wiring practices.
Connect the negative side of the relay coil to ground.
Connect the positive side of the relay coil to the switch that will operate your accessory.
Connect the common (C) terminal of the relay to the battery source that will provide power to your accessory.
Connect the normally open (NO) terminal to the power input of the accessory the relay will operate.