Since the addition of key-less entry remotes to the automotive market, the key fob has become a popular and standard accessory to most new automobiles. Allowing the vehicle locks to deploy from a distance, the convenience of the key-less entry remote cannot be denied. As with any small electronic product, it is sometimes necessary to replace the remote due to worn buttons, dead batteries or it was just lost. Programing the remote is easy and quick to do.
Sit in the driver's side seat and press the unlock button on the driver's door to unlock all doors to the Ford car.
Place the ignition key into the vehicle ignition.
Turn the ignition key from the "Off" position to the "On" position eight times in rapid succession without starting the vehicle. On the eighth turn to the "On" position the vehicle's door locks should cycle once. Leave the key in the "On" position.
Take each remote for the vehicle and press either the lock or unlock button once. When pressed, the locks of the vehicle should cycle. Repeat this procedure for each new key-less entry remote.
Turn the ignition to the "Off" position once each remote has been programmed and check that each remote operates the vehicle locks. If all fobs are recognized by the key-less receiver and the door locks react when the fob is used, the process is complete. If any of the fobs do not work, the process must be repeated.