When looking for a way to save money on car repairs, many people first stop at an auto salvage yard, rather than ordering car parts new. New parts cost more than used ones. It is best to get a mechanic's opinion on which parts can be replaced on a car by parts found at an auto salvage yard.
The easiest way to find an auto salvage yard is to look in your local phone book. Another way is to perform an on line search under "Auto Salvage Yards." If that returns no results try, "Junkyards."
Another way is to perform an on line search under "Auto Salvage Yards" or "Junkyards." If there is no Internet connection available, please use the computers at the local library. In most cases, all that is needed is a state identification card or a library card. Often, library aids will help navigate the use of the library's computers.
A website named autosalvageyards.com, will conduct a search of local auto salvage yards in your area. The site offers search criteria specific to the searcher's neighborhood.
Check with an auto mechanic to find out what auto salvage yard he or she uses or knows about.
The worst way to find an auto salvage yard is to drive around your area blindly, searching for auto salvage yards.
It is also very important to understand the difference between an auto salvage yard and an auto recycling yard. Both are similar but they are not the same.
Auto salvage yards are good for storing and destroying cars. When people need parts they usually head to a auto recycling yard, according to mechanic Ron Harper of Gary, Indiana--depending on the part they seek.
During the past 40 years, Harper has worked on many types of car repairs and understands the difference between auto salvage and auto recycling and when to use each.
The difference between an auto salvage yard and an auto recycling yard is that at a salvage yard, cars are destroyed and the consumer can pick at the leftover parts at his or her own risk. Usually if the part is large, more than one person has to help recover the part. The parts are usually cheaper at an auto salvage yard too, according to the manager at Paul's Auto Yard in Gary, Indiana.
Gordon Morgan, said he has been working in the auto salvage business for 50 years. He says both an auto salvage yard and an auto recycling yard are essentially the same, except at an auto salvage yard, the parts are not categorized, cars are not stripped necessarily before they are compacted because it is more like a junkyard.
According to Insure.com, a recycled could mean reconditioned, which is another way of saying junkyard part. Some parts are refinished and these parts are found usually at an auto recycling yard. According to the article, it does not matter because it claims neither place tests the parts for saftey.