The transmission fluid in a BMW 525I is a deep red color. It lubricates the gears in the transmission and helps them move smoothly. This is crucial when the vehicle is shifting gears. However, if you ever notice the vehicle not going into gear quite as easily as it used to, the primary culprit is low transmission fluid. You'll need to check the transmission fluid first, though, to confirm.
Start the engine and let it warm up to normal operating temperature.
Open the hood and pull the transmission dipstick out of the transmission filler neck in the back of the engine.
Wipe off the transmission dipstick and put it back into the filler neck.
Pull the stick out again and check the fluid level on the end of the stick. If it is between the upper and lower marks on the end of the dip stick, then the transmission fluid level is fine. If it is below the lower mark on the dipstick, you need to put a funnel into the filler neck and fill the transmission with transmission fluid until the oil level is between the upper and lower marks on the end of the dipstick.