When Should You Change a Timing Chain in a Car?

Your car's timing chain is tasked with operating the inlet and exhaust valve gear at the precise moment during the piston's stroke cycle. When the timing chain, which is sometimes referred as a timing belt, fails then your car will not be operational. Therefore, it is critical to change your car's timing chain before it breaks and leaves you stranded.

Your Car

  • Timing chains vary in durability, depending on the make/model of your car. Check your owner's manual or, if you have a "Chilton" or "Haynes" repair manual handy, refer to it for guidance regarding changing intervals.

Signs of Failure

  • Prior to when a timing chain fails, your car may exhibit troublesome signs. If your car idles roughly, begins to perform poorly or fuel economy begins to drop, then your chain may be about to fail. Also, if you have difficulty starting your car or the engine misfires, then the chain may soon fail. A rattling or clattering noise from underneath the hood is yet another sign that your timing chain needs replacing.


  • Failure to heed signs of a worn-out timing chain can leave you suddenly stranded. Worse, in some cases a broken timing chain can result in damage to your engine with some people complaining of bent valves, busted pistons, broken guides and sprockets among other problems. Engine repairs under these circumstances could cost you thousands of dollars.