Tire rotation is recommended every 5000 miles as by car manufacturers or with every oil change. The Quattro is a different beast with its 4 wheel drive, and requires tire rotation different from conventional 2 wheel drive cars.
According to the bentley repair manual, the tires rotation should be done on the same side, meaning you switch the front and back tires on the same side.
First step in rotating the tires to loosen the lug nuts of front and rear wheels of the side you want to work on first.
Jack up the car on the front or rear, place a jack stand to free the jack, which you will need to lift up the other end. Remove the wheel.
Use the jack to lift up the car and remove the other wheel. Switch the wheels and you are done rotating the tires on that side.
Wheels should be balanced at every 2 tire rotations or about 12,000 miles as they do wear unevenly.