Saving money on gas is a common worry among the general population. Saving the environment and breathing clean air is also an important issue. Keeping your gas cap on and tight can help to relieve the stress from each issue.
The Check Engine light will come on. This will occur in cars that were manufactured in 1996 or after.
According to the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, leaving the gas cap off wastes fuel. This happens through vaporization.
Cars that drive around with a missing gas cap contribute to smog. As with wasted fuel, this also has to do with vaporization.
A missing gas cap can cause engine problems. This is usually in the form of a misfire. Over time, repeated misfires will cause permanent damage to your engine. states that an estimated 17 percent of Americans drive with a missing or loose gas cap. This contributes to 147 million gallons of gas that are lost through vaporization.