Owner's manuals are essential guides that tell us the ins and outs of our vehicles. Tire pressure recommendations, oil capacity, safety specifications and electronics instructions can all be found in the owner's manual. Unfortunately, sometimes manuals are lost or shuffled between vehicle owners, leaving you with no resource to access important information about your vehicle.
A new owner's manual for your vehicle can be ordered by any automotive dealer licensed to sell your brand of vehicle. Contact your local dealer to see if they have one in stock; if not, they can certainly order one for you. Owner's manuals for vehicles that have been discontinued can be ordered by a dealer previously authorized to sell the brand.
Instead of going through the dealer, you can order factory-authorized owner's manuals directly from the publisher. Helm, Inc publishes and distributes the factory manuals for most major auto manufacturers. Helm Inc. sells directly to the public. They can be reached by calling 1-800-782-4356 or by visiting their website at www.helminc.com.
Finding a used owner's manual can be a little tricky, but can usually save you some money. Always check the price of a new owner's manual before purchasing used; if there isn't a significant price difference, buying new may be a better option.
Check with auto-salvage yards to find used manuals locally. The Internet also offers a variety of resources to help you find a used manual. Ebay.com and Amazon.com are sites where private sellers often list their manuals for sale. In addition to private sellers, many companies sell used owner manuals. See the resources below for several companies that offer used manuals.