During the winter months, it is likely that you will use your motor home less often than the warmer season. If your motor home will be parked for significant periods of time during the winter, you will want to winterize the vehicle in order to protect all of the systems in order to ensure operation when you begin to use it again. You will want to set aside several hours to winterize a motor home prior to parking it for the season.
Take care of the plumbing system first to ensure that the pipes do not freeze up over the winter. Disconnect all of the water lines within your motor home and place anti-freeze into the plumbing system. Use the specially formulated version for RVs and motor homes while doing this. Allow your water pump to siphon the anti-freeze through your plumbing systems.
Seal any openings inside of the motor home. During the winter months, you will not want bugs and animals using your RV as their shelter. Close all windows, doors and seal up any holes that can allow for animal access. Also, throw out any food items.
Unhook the gas lines within your motor home. If you use propane, you can disconnect the tanks and tape up any exposed lines.
Cover the motor home with a tarp or place it under a car port. You will want to control the amount of moisture that enters the vehicle during the winter months. For the interior, you will want to use a chemical that can help absorb any moisture that gets into the air. For example, the product Dri-Z-Air can be left inside of an opened container inside the motor home to get rid of the moisture.
Place concrete blocks under the tires of the motor home prior to parking it for the winter. This will help prevent dry rotting from occurring.