Jeep Wranglers are a line of sports utility vehicles that unfortunately are not known for getting the best gas mileage. Since you will want to enjoy driving your Jeep Wrangler without worrying about the amount of money you are spending on gas, you should make numerous adjustments to get the most miles per gallon out of your SUV. The Jeep Wrangler model that you choose to buy will also have a direct effect on your gas mileage.
Choose a Jeep Wrangler with a four-cylinder engine, as well as a manual transmission. Six-cylinder engines and automatic transmissions will prove less fuel efficient in your Jeep Wrangler. A clutch instead of a torque convert has better fuel efficiency. A diesel Jeep Wrangler will also have improved gas mileage.
Reduce the drag of your Jeep Wrangler. A hard top instead of a soft top will produce less drag. Also, any racks and ornaments on your Wrangler should be removed to help get better gas mileage in your Jeep.
Decrease the amount of time that you use the four-wheel-drive gear. Although four wheeling can be a lot of fun in a Jeep Wrangler, this practice is a known gas guzzler.
Get a tuneup for your Jeep Wrangler. Inflate your tires, change your oil filter and air filter, get an oil change, install new spark plugs and spark plug wires, and add transmission fluid. If any of these components are due to be changed, it can help you get better gas mileage in a Jeep Wrangler.
Maintain a steady speed while highway driving. Jeep Wranglers perform best when driven at a maintained speed of 55 to 65 miles per hour. Idling times should be reduced, as well by turning off the engine when idling more than a minute.
Carry less in your SUV. Jeep Wranglers have small cabs, so you won't likely have to reduce your load significantly. Also, Jeep Wranglers have towing capabilities that can decrease fuel efficiency.