If you are a frequent traveler in your RV, you will want to find ways to increase your fuel mileage. Since the average RV averages 7 miles per gallon of fuel, you will want to find ways to adjust your vehicle to increase this number. Try several of the following techniques to make your gas last longer, especially if you are planning a longer trip.
Reduce the amount of weight inside of your RV. The average load of RV drivers is between 2,000 and 3,000 pounds. Get rid of as much excess cargo as possible to increase your RV's gas mileage. You can also consider driving with half-full water tanks to help reduce the weight.
Check your tire pressure. Inadequate tire pressure can affect the fuel efficiency of your RV. The pressure should be fully inflated to reduce drag when carrying heavy loads.
Adjust your driving speeds. Drive on the highway as often as possible to avoid stop-and-go driving. You will want to maintain a speed of 50 to 60 miles per hour to optimize RV fuel efficiency. Use cruise control when you can also increase fuel mileage on RVs.
Avoid putting on the air conditioner, if possible. Air conditioners are known to hurt RV fuel mileage, especially since the unit will need to work hard to cool the entire cab of the RV.
Install a wind deflector. A wind deflector will direct the wind over the top of the RV to eliminate the drag created by the air which can be detrimental to fuel efficiency.
Change the air filter in your RV. A clogged air filter will make your RV burn more fuel than is necessary to operate the RV.