About Vinyl Spray Paint

About Vinyl Spray Paint

Wear and tear over time can cause the original luster of that shiny vinyl surface used everyday to fade. Restoration is possible through an application of vinyl spray paint, an economic alternative for the do-it-yourselfer. In a short amount of time, vinyl spray paint can be applied to give that surface a new look and a longer life.


  • Vinyl surfaces are composed of plastic polymers that can wear down over time. Vinyl in spray paints is a product designed to offer a quick and even way to repair a vinyl surface. Vinyl spray paints form a coat that adheres very well to the painted surface. Many vinyl surfaces are soft and flexible, therefore vinyl spray paint is designed with flexibility in mind. It also prevents moisture from seeping through the restored vinyl, and the paint's flexibility lessens the likelihood of the vinyl cracking. Additionally, vinyl spray paint restores the color of the vinyl surface, with a layer of paint that resists fading.


  • Vinyl spray paint is used to restore a variety of surfaces. It can be applied to dashboards and vehicle seats, which tend to fade from the rays of the sun. Vinyl spray paint will restore the color and gloss stripped away over time. Vinyl spray paint can also restore vinyl furniture, as well as luggage and sports equipment, such as weight-lifting benches and treadmills, and bicycle seats.
    Vinyl spray paints come in several colors that match the common vinyl products in the market. From the classic black and white, to the mocha coffee and palomino, vinyl spray paint restoration will bring any vinyl surface back to its original look.

    About Vinyl Spray Paint


  • Vinyl spray paints have vinyl paint resins, which means that vinyl is used to restore the worn vinyl surface in the application. The vinyl paint in spray form allows an even distribution of the paint, over the surface. With the absence of brushstrokes and creases, the vinyl spray paint will give a uniform look to the restored vinyl.
    To get the maximum benefit from restoring your vinyl surface with vinyl spray paint, apply a heavy first coat. This will saturate the old vinyl, giving it a complete and thorough coverage. It also provides a strong base for an additional coat, if required. Applying more than one coat may extend the time before another repair to the vinyl is required.


  • Use the vinyl paint in a well-ventilated area, and wear skin protection to avoid irritation. Also, when using the paint to restore a car rug, apply the vinyl paint to the entire area so that slight variations in color, as well as the contrast between the old and the new, do not stand out. While spot treating may restore the spot, it will look like a new spot on a worn surface.


  • Vinyl is a widely used product, due to its versatility and functionality. It appears in many household and business items, from luggage to chairs to cars, and over time, they can crack, wear or fade. Vinyl spray paint is an inexpensive alternative to reupholstering or buying new replacements. It can be applied, with care and patience, to give that special, sentimental item a new lease and a renewed look.