Having an earthquake kit readily prepared for the car is a smart and important thing to do. Here are a few simple life saving and effective items everyone in such an earthquake prone area should carry with you in your vehicle. Remember common sense is key when assembling this kit. Think of yourself going on an unexpected leave of absence needing essential things to sustain you.
Get a large box or a handled bag that will accommodate several safety and survival items. Make sure it is large enough to hold at least a dozen items.
Place a blanket, flashlight, water for three days for up to four people unless a family is larger (adjust accordingly), dried food for three days, running shoes, jacket and cell phone in a large box or handled bag. Also, be sure to have a list of telephone numbers of people to call in the event you are in the middle of an area you cannot get out of with your vehicle.
Store the box of earthquake items in a cool area in your car. Make sure to check the food and water items periodically for expiration of the same. Replace these items as needed. Be sure to take the batteries out of the flashlight to prevent corrosion of the same in the event that it sits in the box for an extended period of time. Know that you have enough basic survival items to help you until professional help can come to your rescue.
Carry at least enough cash to purchase gas and a cheap hotel room for the night should you have to leave the area and stay overnight somewhere. This can be anywhere between a hundred and two hundred dollars. This will at least provide for your lodging and gas. Further, ATM machines may be out of service if the earthquake is severe enough, thereby limiting use of your ATM card.
Provide canned food for your pets. Dried food is good, but it can go bad in the sun and as such, the canned food will keep longer. Try to opt for the flip top canned pet food. If this is not available, put a can opener and a few spoons in your vehicle to dish it out. Be sure to put small pet bowls and perhaps a vehicle carrier for your pet or pets if your vehicle is large enough to accommodate it. Bring any pet records you may have as well as spare leashes to keep your pets safe while displaced from their environment.