The Escalade was Cadillac's first foray into the SUV production in 1999, and remains the top-selling luxury SUV in the country to date. The 2007 model represents the newly redesigned third generation Escalade, with a 6.2 l V8 engine. Choose a high-performance battery when you need a new one.
Find the battery just behind the headlight on the driver's side of the SUV. Unless you're 6 feet or taller, you may need a stool to reach under the hood to change the battery on the Cadillac Escalade.
Remove the cover and disconnect the harness that holds the battery in place.
Disconnect the cable ends from the battery terminals with a battery terminal puller. Take off the negative terminal first.
Lift the battery out of the compartment and use the wire brush to clean the surface that holds the battery. Wipe off excess acid with a damp cloth.
Clean the insides of the connector cables with a pointed wire brush. Keep your gloves on at all times to avoid getting acid on your hands.
Place the new battery on the shelf and reattach the cables. Tighten the cables securely with pliers or a socket wrench. Replace the battery holder and cover.