Almost any maintenance you do on your car will require that you open the hood. All car hoods open pretty much the same way.
Locate the hood release lever inside the car. Most cars have a lever on or near the kick panel by the driver's left foot. Some may be on the bottom of the dash panel in the same area. It is usually marked Hood or Hood Release.
Pull the hood release lever until the hood pops open. You should hear or feel the click indicating the release.
Find the hood safety catch lever. This is typically located just under the hood of the car, through the grill openings. The safety latch prevents the hood from fully opening until you release the safety latch. This is a safety device in case the inside hood release gets pulled accidentally while you are driving.
Push or pull the hood safety catch lever until the hood releases from the latch.
Open the hood of the car fully and secure it with the prop rod.