There is more to a car's wheel components than just the tire. Here's how to identify the various other items, including the hub and bearing, the lug nuts and bolts, the brake rotor and caliper, the steering knuckle and tie rod ends.
Jack up and support the car with safety stands. If you can, put the car up on a lift for easier access.
Remove the hubcap, using a large screwdriver as a pry. Remove the tire and wheel, using a tire iron. Directly behind the wheel are the lug bolts attached to the hub and bearing assembly.
Look further and you will see a wheel component known as the brake rotor. The brake rotor fits over the hub and the brake caliper. This is attached to the steering knuckle. Inside the caliper are the brake pads.
Move your head to look up from the brake assembly and you will see the strut and spring assembly. This is attached to the steering knuckle and the upper body of the car. To the side of the knuckle is the tire rod joint that is attached to the knuckle for steering control. On the end of the control arm is the ball joint that attaches to the knuckle and allows it to turn.
Identify the control arm. This is attached to the bottom of the knuckle and to the frame. Directly in the middle of the control arm is the axle and CV joint assembly. The stabliizer bar also is attached to the control arm. The stabilizer bar stretches across the car and is attached to a control arm on the opposite side of the car.
Reinstall the wheel and tire. Remove safety stands and lower car to the ground.