All cars will have a manufacturer recommended inflation pressure sticker that indicates the appropriate pressures for normal loads and heavy loads. Keeping your tire pressure within the recommended specifications will extend the life of your tires and improve fuel economy and vehicle safety.
Find the manufacturer tire inflation guide sticker on your car. This is typically located either on the door jam or the glove box. This information can usually be found in your vehicle owner's manual.
Take off the tire valve stem cap. You should be able to twist this off with your fingers.
Insert the tire pressure gauge on the stem firmly.
Remove the tire pressure gauge and read the pressure. If your tire pressure is too high, slowly release some air. Press on the valve stem with the pressure gauge until the reading conforms to the recommended pressure. If the tire pressure is too low, note the difference between the reading and the recommended pressure. This is the amount of air that you will need to add when you get to a service station.
Reinstall the tire valve stem cap.
Check all 4 tires as you did the first one. If any are under inflated, go to a service station and add enough air to bring your tires up to manufacturer recommendations.