A 6 speed DSG transmission is a German-made transmission designed originally for Porsche racing cars. DSG stands for direct-shift gearbox and is designed as two manual transmissions, housed in one unit, functioning together. There is no clutch, but these shift quickly through the 6 gears with fully automatic or semi-manual controls for the driver. These transmissions are usually found in cars made by Volkwagon, Audi and other German manufacturers. Changing the oil requires a tool called a fluid pump.
Lift the car up on a pair of front jack stands 8 to 16 inches in order to gain access to the underside of the engine. Slide under the car and locate the gearbox in the front, center of the engine. The gearbox is a metal tank with a pipe coming out but the front and back end.
Put a collection pan below the drain bolt on the front pipe. Remove the drain bolt with a socket wrench or, if the vehicle is an Audi or Volkswagon, use the special gearbox wrench (available at most large auto stores).
Wait about 15 minutes for the gearbox to drain completely and then replace the drain bolt.
Fill the fluid pump's tank with 3.5 quarts of transmission fluid. Switch the tab on the clear plastic tube to "inject."
Remove the fill bolt on the back pipe extending from the gearbox. Insert the open-end of the fluid pump's clear plastic tube into the fill port.
Pump the handle repeatedly to inject the fluid into the gearbox. Stop when the fluid begins to leak from the fill port. Replace the fill bolt and lower the car from the jack stands.