Oil Change Specifications for a Suzuki LTZ 400 Quadrunner

Oil Change Specifications for a Suzuki LTZ 400 Quadrunner

All-terrain vehicles are small-engine, four-wheel vehicles similar to motorcycles. Like any other motorized vehicle, routine maintenance needs to be performed to ensure their safety and durability. Suzuki's LTZ 400 Quadrunner requires regular oil changes -- a fairly easy task that you can do yourself.

Synthetic vs. Conventional Oils

  • Before emptying the used oil in the engine and replacing it with a newer oil, decide which type of oil and which brand would best suit your needs. Some oils are more dependable and fuel efficient when the vehicle is used in casual recreation while other oils show better results during high performance and extraneous circumstances. Synthetic oils are chemical compounds with more consistent shapes and textures than traditional oils, giving them the ability to run at high temperatures for much longer. The added filaments found in conventional oils can also lead to sludge buildup and detonation. According to a Car Craft online review, synthetics also assist engine performance over conventional oil treatments. A thinner, more conventional oil brings upon lower oil pressure than a synthetic-based oil. Consult the owner's manual of the LTZ 400 for recommended brands and types of oil.

Changing the Oil

  • Start the engine of the Suzuki LTZ 400 and let it idle for five to 10 minutes. This will heat the used oil in the motor to an adequate temperature for replacement. Turn the motor off and move the vehicle to an area where oil can be drained and collected. Remove any panels that obstruct the plug and oil fill cap. The oil plug is on the underside of the engine, so place a pan underneath it before you pull the plug. While the oil is draining, remove the oil filter with a wrench or other fitting tool and replace it with a new filter. When the drain is finished, place the oil plug back into its correct position. Fill the engine with the new oil with a funnel, filling the LTZ 400 with the recommended oil amount. Put the dipstick back into the fill hole. Then remove it to check the level of the oil. Add more oil if necessary and replace any panels that were removed during the replacement process.

Maintaining Repairs

  • The frequency of changing the oil in an ATV is dependent on the length and extremity of use, so the Suzuki LTZ 400 is really no different than most all-terrain vehicles on the market. A suggested schedule for changing the oil in an ATV is either after 100 hours or every three months, whichever comes first.