The Nissan Micra, also known as the Nissan March in Asia and India, is a subcompact auto with an engine that will run with most multigrade motor oils. Nissan also produces the Micra with a diesel engine, which may need a heavier-duty multigrade motor oil. Choose your Micra's motor oil type based on your climate conditions and mechanic's recommendations. Motor oils follow the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) numerical code system, which rates viscosity from 0-60 (low to high viscosity), followed by "W" (for winter or cold-start viscosity) and, lastly, another letter/number combination indicating the range of the motor oil's viscosity under cold and hot conditions.
A 5W multigrade motor oil will function well with your Micra's engine if you normally drive in a moderate to cold climate. A 5W oil can be pumped at lower temperatures than both 10W and 15W motor oils. The 5W motor oil flows like a SAE 5 single-grade oil when cold. When it is heated up, it will flow at the rate of the second number in the motor oil grade: such as "30," "40" and "50." The 5W-50 is excellent in cold climates or during winter.
The 10W motor oils will work well in your Micra's engine in warmer climates or during the summer. The 10W cannot be pumped at as low temperatures as the 5W motor oils. The second number, 30, means that the viscosity of this multigrade oil at 100 operating temperature corresponds to the viscosity of a single-grade 30 oil at same temperature.
If you have a Micra with a diesel engine, a 15W multigrade motor oil will allow you to drive in a variety of climates due to its viscosity level. Diesel engine oils can also be used in your petroleum oil tank for cleaning.