How to Change the Oil Filter on a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder

How to Change the Oil Filter on a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder

Your vehicle's oil filter prevents contaminates from entering the engine and causing damage. The oil filter on the 2001 Nissan Pathfinder is under the hood of the vehicle for easy access. The manufacture suggests the oil filter be changed during every other oil change, or every 6,000 miles to prevent engine damage. Failure to maintain a clean oil filter can lead to engine failure.

Things You'll Need

  • New oil filter
  • Oil filter wrench
  • Towel
  • 7/16-inch socket and wrench
  • Open the hood and find the oil filter on the front on the engine, under the fan assembly. With your socket and wrench remove the bolt that secures the oil filter to the mount. Once the bolt is removed you can move the mounting arm aside.

  • Using the oil filter wrench remove the old oil filter by turning counterclockwise. The filter will detach from the mount and slide out. Use your finger to lubricate the threads of the new filter with fresh oil.

  • Screw the new filter in place by hand until secure. Tighten it with the filter wrench to complete the installation. Make sure the arrows line up on the side of the oil filter and mount.

  • Move the mounting arm over the new filter and place the bolt back in place. Use the socket wrench to secure the bolt to the mount. Close the hood.