Changing your engine oil frequently is recommended to preserve your motor and make it run efficiently for years to come. Doing your own oil changes will only take a matter of minutes and you will save money in the long run. Changing your engine oil at your apartment complex is very simple as long as you do not do anything to create stains in the cement or dispose of hazardous material illegally.
Purchase a drain pan with a sealable top. This pan can be used to catch the old motor oil and transport it to a recycling facility.
Lay old newspapers down under the car to prevent any motor oil from staining the parking lot. You can dispose of the newspapers when you are finished with your oil change. Lay the papers down underneath the motor and drain pan.
Locate the drain plug at the bottom of the motor. You will need to crawl under the car to locate the plug and change the oil.
Place the drain pan under the motor. This will catch all the motor oil that drains out.
Unscrew the drain plug with a crescent wrench. Take the plug out to allow all the oil to drain out.
Unscrew the oil filter with an oil filter wrench. Pour the oil out of the filter in to the drain pan. Place the oil filter in a disposable plastic bag.
Rub engine oil on the gasket of the new oil filter. This will lubricate the gasket for easier removal of the filter.
Tighten the new filter to the filter housing by hand. Do not wrench-tighten the filter because this could damage the filter or the filter housing.
Screw the drain plug back to the drain pan of the motor. Tighten with the crescent wrench.
Open the motor to access the engine compartment. Locate the oil fill cap on the valve cover.
Pour in the recommended amount of oil into the motor. Consult your owner's manual for the correct amount.
Check your engine oil level by pulling the dipstick and looking at the oil level indicated. You may need to wipe the dipstick with a clean towel and insert the dipstick back into the tube. Pull it out and verify the oil level.
Pour in the oil at half-quart intervals until the oil level is full. This will ensure the adequate amount of oil is in the engine.
Pull the drain pan out and seal the top. This will prevent the oil from seeping out.
Pull the newspaper out from under the car. Fold this newspaper up and place it in a disposable plastic bag.