A motorcycle is a pretty practical idea during this time of high gas prices. Harley Davidson motorcycles typically get 50 miles to the gallon. If you want to combine practicality with horsepower, the Harley Davidson Road King is the motorcycle for you. Of course, saving money on gas doesn't help much if you spend it all on maintenance, so doing some things on your own is a good idea. An easy task to start with is to change your oil.
Locate the oil plug. It should be on the underside of the oil pan. Place your bucket or pan underneath it.
Remove the oil plug. Be careful when doing this, as the oil might be hot. Allow the oil to drain into the pan.
Remove your used crush washer, which is on the plug, and replace it with the new washer. The crush washer must be replaced during every oil change.
Wipe off the end of the oil plug. If this is not a brand new engine, be slightly wary of large slivers of metal.
While the oil is draining, remove the oil filter. Do this with an oil filter wrench. It should unscrew. When you get the oil filter off make sure that the o-ring (a rubber ring around the oil filter that ensures a proper seal) came off with the oil filter. If it did not come out, be sure to remove it.
Remove and wipe down the plastic mesh filter on the side of the engine case. Put this back in when it is clean. Wipe any sludge off the drain plug as well.
Take a bit of new motor oil and rub it on the o-ring of the new oil filter, to ensure a snug seal. Then, using your hand instead of a tool, screw the new oil filter into place. Using a tool for this can overtighten the oil filter and damage the o-ring.
Take a funnel and holding it at an upright angle, pour two quarts of the fresh oil in. Then let it work through the engine a bit. Screw the plug back in, turn your engine on and let it idle for a couple minutes. Finally, turn off the engine and unscrew the plug again, and using the funnel, pour the rest of the oil in, but don't overfill the oil pan.
Screw the plug back in and clean up any overflow.