How to Mount Tires on Reverse Rims

How to Mount Tires on Reverse Rims

It is important for a person to know whether or not they have reverse rims on their car. The simple reason is that the tire has to be removed from the rim differently than standard tires. If a tire shop doesn’t know what they are doing, they can damage your rims. It happens quite often that the tire shop has an inexperienced employee that tries to remove the tire the regular way. If you as the car owner is informed about your wheels, you can mention it to the tire shop employee ahead of time. The reverse rim works just how it sounds - in reverse of a standard rim. This article will examine the process of mounting tires with reverse rims.

Things You'll Need

  • Reverse rim
  • Rim clamp tire machine
  • Tire
  • Tire lube with applicator brush
  • Inspect your reverse rim. See that the rim has a lower drop center on the backside of the rim than the front side of the rim. This means that the tire has to be installed from the backside of the rim.

  • Examine your rim clamp tire machine to become familiar with its functions. You will notice that the tire machine had four pedals that control different features. One pedal will control the movement of the tire plate; the next controls the movement of the clamps on the plate; another will control the movement of the tire installation arm; and the last one will control the inflation of the tire. The machine will also come with plastic covers for the clamps on the plate. These plastic covers are designed to protect custom rims on reverse applications.

  • Attach the plastic covers to the clamps on the tire machine plate. Place the reverse rim upside down on the tire machine plate and press the pedal to clap the rim to the machine.

  • Pick up your tire and lube the beads with the tire lube brush by brushing the tire beads with lube. Place the tire on to the rim and push down hard in a rocking motion. The first bead will now be installed.

  • Press the pedal that moves the installation arm into place and install the top bead by pressing the rotation pedal so that the plate moves in a clockwise direction. Your tire is now fully on the reverse rim.

  • Press the pedal that releases the tire plate clamps and flip the wheel and tire over on the machine.

  • Inflate the tire to the proper pressure by attaching the inflation hose and pressing the inflation pedal on the tire machine.