The alternator in an Audi is a vital part of the car’s electrical system. When you start up your Audi, the vehicle first creates a spark in the engine from electricity stored in the battery. As you drive your Audi, the alternator begins to generate electricity which it uses to continue to create a spark in the engine as well as run other electrical devices and charge up the battery for the next time the car is started. A faulty alternator can be spotted by a few symptoms.
If the battery of your Audi has died, it could be from a faulty alternator. Have your battery tested, if you have not already, to make sure the battery is still good. If the battery is good, then have your alternator tested. A faulty alternator will not transfer enough electricity to the battery while the car is driving, so the battery will die prematurely. The engine may have trouble turning over or will not turn over at all after the vehicle has been sitting for several hours.
A faulty alternator can cause the fuses in your Audi to blow out. If different electrical systems in your Audi are not functioning, take a look at the car’s fuse box. Replace any blown fuses. If the same or even more fuses blow soon after, it could be the alternator is producing too much electricity for the car, and the fuses are blowing out from the increased electrical flow.
An Audi’s headlights can help you determine if the car’s alternator is going bad. The headlight test needs to be performed outside and at night and requires two people. One person starts the vehicle while the other person stands 50 feet in front of it. With the car in neutral or park, press down on the accelerator. If the headlights either dim or become brighter, it is an indication that the alternator in the Audi is going bad.
Another way to tell if the alternator is dying on your Audi is to test the alternator. Start the Audi with the hood open. While the car is idling, remove the negative cable from the battery. If the car stalls out or stops running, it is an indication the alternator is failing. If the Audi continues to run without a problem, the battery is likely the culprit.