How to Seal Tire Rims With Ether

How to Seal Tire Rims With Ether

Tire shops have special gear and equipment to make the beads on tubeless tires expand wide enough to touch the rim on each side so compressed air can be added to fully seat the tire on a rim. If you have a tire which has rolled off the rim and no access to a tire repair facility, you may be forced to resort to drastic action to remedy the situation. A controlled explosion can pop the tire back onto the rim; but, as with any explosion, there's a measure of danger involved.

Things You'll Need

  • Valve stem tool
  • Ether-based starting fluid
  • 6-foot stick
  • Gauze
  • Tape
  • Match
  • Safety glasses
  • Ear plugs
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Helper
  • Remove the tire to an outside location and at least 10 feet away from any flammable material such as dry leaves or grass. A concrete or gravel driveway is perfect.

  • Lay the tire on its side and remove the core from the valve stem with a valve stem tool.

  • Make a torch by wrapping a length of gauze on the end of a six-foot long stick and taping it in place with strong tape such as electrical or duct tape.

  • Position one person with a fire extinguisher on one side of the tire, another person with the torch on the other side. Put on safety glasses and insert ear plugs, then spray the gauze on the torch-end with ether-based starting fluid.

  • Hand the can of starting fluid to the other person. Once he's moved to the opposite side of the tire, near the fire extinguisher, light the ether-soaked gauze with a match or lighter, keeping the torch well away from the tire and person with the can of starting fluid.

  • Spray starting fluid inside the tire between the rim of the wheel and bead on the tire, making one quick, but complete revolution around the perimeter of the rim. The person doing the spraying should step back from the tire as soon as the ether has been sprayed into the tire.

  • Poke the flaming end of the torch at the upper rim of the tire as soon as the person doing the spraying has cleared out.

  • Expect a minor explosion and quick burst of flame to occur when the torch ignites the starting fluid inside the tire. The explosion will pop the sides of the tire outward, seating the bead of the tire on the rim and any remaining ether on the outside of the tire will burn away harmlessly in a second or two.