How to Hide the White Letters on Tires

How to Hide the White Letters on Tires

White letters on tires give cars a race car or sporty look. They draw attention to the wheels and often advertise a tire brand or style. Some auto owners prefer to tone down that appearance and hide the lettering. The actual letters are a part of the tire. Because of this, removal is actually involves safely and strategically hiding the white area of type. Duplicating the shade of black represented in the rest of the tire and covering the letters is a safe option.

Things You'll Need

  • Tire paint
  • Black shoe polish
  • Black felt-tipped pen
  • Car jack
  • Paint over the tires using black tire paint. Products such as Dupli-Color or Tire Black will provide permanent coverage of the white lettering. A link to some tire paints are provided in the Resources section.

  • Cover the letting with Forever Black Tire Gel, black shoe polish or a felt-tipped pen if you are looking for a temporary fix. This may be ideal if you would like to tone down the appearance of your car when not showing or racing it. A link to Forever Black Tire Gel is provided below.

  • Reverse the exposed side of the tires. Some tires only have the white lettering on one side. Place the car on a jack to change the tires. Though you are not removing the letters, they will not be visible. A link is provided below which tells you how to remove and replace your tires.