Rotating the tires on your vehicle is an important maintenance that must be performed regularly. This maintenance procedure is effective, yet simple to perform. Tire rotation helps to keep your wheels balanced and prevents excessive wear. How often you rotate your tires depends on the manufacturer's recommendations and your driving habits.
One way to determine the best time to rotate and balance your tires is based on the vehicle's mileage. If you have never rotated your tires, then you should perform this type of maintenance as soon as possible. When you regularly rotate your tires, you will normally perform this procedure every 4,000 to 5,000 miles. It is suggested to review the manufacturer's recommendation to know exactly when to rotate.
Your driving habits will also determine how often you should perform tire rotation. If you are driving off-road, taking full advantage of your all-wheel drive vehicle, then you will want to rotate the tires more frequently. Heavy off-road driving beats up and wears down the tires quicker than regular street commutes.
Simply looking at the wheels is another way to gauge when you should rotate. Walk around your vehicle, take a look at all four wheels and notice where the wear and damage is located. If any of the tires are wearing more than usual, it is recommended to rotate the tires soon.