How to Cut Tire Tread

How to Cut Tire Tread

Cars go through a lot of tires each year; while some are recycled and made into new tires or hose or some other rubber application, many are left in the landfill. An old tire can be used for a variety things from a tire swing to an art project. Cutting tire treads may seem somewhat difficult, but with the proper tools you can cut through a tire with ease and make whatever project you want.

Things You'll Need

  • Goggles
  • Gloves
  • Circular saw
  • Hack saw
  • Put on your safety goggles and gloves, as pieces of tire tread may come off while you cut the tire.

  • Position the tire by the circular saw as best as you can. Try to clamp any part of the tire into the circular saw clamp.

  • Slowly pull the trigger on the saw and ease it into the tire rubber. It will produce quite a bit of black smoke, but continue on until you have cut through the tire.

  • Use a hand hack saw to make detailed cuts, as it will be more precise and safe.