You've purchased some nice new raised white letter tires (or maybe whitewall tires) and the tire technician that installed them didn't bother to clean the annoying bright blue protective coating from the sidewall. Buy the cleaner yourself with the understanding that if you want to do something right, sometimes you really do have to do it yourself.
Put on the safety glasses and spray the blue coating on the tire with Westley's Bleche White Tire Cleaner product. Be careful not to spray aluminum rims. This product is strong, so try not to breathe it in or get it on your skin. Be sure to read and follow the directions on the bottle.
Allow the Bleche White Tire Cleaner to soak into the tire for a few minutes. If you're cleaning all four tires, you could spray one, move to the next, and by the time the fourth one is sprayed, you should be ready to clean the first tire.
Take the stiff bristled cleaning brush and the bucket of warm water and start scrubbing the blue protective coating of the first tire. Depending on how much protective coating there is on the tire will dictate how hard you have to scrub. In some cases, applying more of the tire cleaner may be needed, but for the most part, you should be able to clean off the coating with one application.
Move to the next tire and clean that one in the same manner. Continue until all the desired tires are clean of the protective sidewall coating. The product is also good for cleaning dirty sidewalls from dirt, dust and other grime picked up from the road.
Apply a coat of tire shine spray to the outside tire sidewall to make it gleam.