How to Check Air Pressure in a Tire in a Oldsmobile Alero

Your Oldsmobile Alero deserves the finest treatment in order to keep it running safely and smoothly. While getting regular tune-ups and oil changes are a great step, many people overlook another easy way to help your gas mileage and safety. Checking your air pressure regularly is a great way to accomplish this.

Things You'll Need

  • Tire gauge
  • Let the tires on your Alero cool after driving. Letting your car sit for ate least an hour after even a small amount of driving will allow for an accurate reading as the built-up heat leads to inaccurate readings.

  • Remove the caps on your valve stems. These small plastic covers keep unwanted debris out of the stems so you can get a good reading.

  • Check the side of your tire for the manufacturer's recommended tire pressure. All auto makers give you the maximum and minimum air pressures on the side of the tire. Oldsmobile recommends a maximum of 36 psi and a minimum of 28 psi on the Alero.

  • Press down the air pressure gauge over the valve stem until you no longer hear air escaping. This is the sign that you have a proper seal built so the gauge can accurately read the pressure.

  • Compare your findings of the current air pressure with the ideal pressure on the side of the tire. If you are over the recommended maximum, release some air. If you are under, inflate your tires. Repeat these steps for all four tires and the spare.