If you find that your vehicle is leaking antifreeze or engine coolant around the block area, the head gasket is a likely suspect. If the leaking is in the very early stages, there are a few tricks you can do to improve the flow of fluids throughout your engine. Bar's Leaks features a line of fluid products for use with internal combustion engines. Combining the company's 1100 Head Gasket Repair, a fluid additive, with radiator coolant may improve the performance and efficiency of your engine.
Position a recycling container underneath your car's radiator.
Remove the radiator filler cap. Unscrew the drainage plug from the bottom of your vehicle's radiator and let all of the coolant drain into pan. Replace the drainage plug when you are finished, but leave the filler cap off the radiator.
Wipe away any coolant that leaked onto the engine at this time. Pour water into the radiator to clean out the engine coolant residue. Make sure all of the coolant is properly removed from your vehicle .
Dispose of the old coolant in whatever way is mandated by local law. Add one-half bottle of Bar's Leaks 1100 Head Gasket Repair to engines requiring less than two gallons of engine coolant. For vehicles with a larger capacity, use an entire bottle of the Bar's Leaks formula. Pour the Bar's Leaks formula into the radiator prior to adding the engine coolant to ensure a proper mixing amount.
Pour new engine coolant back into the reservoir after you have added the Bar's Leaks. Replace the filler cap on the radiator and start your engine. Let the engine idle for about 10 minutes before driving your vehicle, as the coolant needs to properly mix with the Bar's Leaks additive.