Every vehicle should have a tuneup after each 36,000 miles to ensure proper function of the engine. If you realize that your overall gas mileage has diminished or your engine performance is lower, then your Dodge 3.3-liter engine is in need of a tuneup. This procedure is expensive when you bring your vehicle to the auto repair shop, perform the job at home instead and save a significant amount of money over the years.
Raise your vehicle with the jack and set the jack stands under the front and back axles. Lower your vehicle onto the support stands.
Pour the bottle of fuel additive into your fuel tank. This additive helps improve your gas mileage and cleans the internal combustion chamber of the engine.
Find your spark plugs attached to the side of the engine. Remove the spark plug wire from the first spark plug sitting nearest you. Exchange this spark plug for a new plug by pushing it down. Click in one end of the wire in the spark plug top, connect the other end into the ignition coil or distributor. Replace each spark plug one at a time. Follow this procedure for all of your spark plugs and wires.
Locate the air filter assembly below the windshield on the right side of the vehicle, connecting into the air intake that goes to the fuel injectors or carburetors. Unscrew the air filter assembly cover with the Phillips head screwdriver. Pull the cover off then pull the air filter out of the assembly. Position the new air filter in the assembly and replace the cover, screw it down with the retainer screws.
Pull the oil filler cap out of the right side of the engine compartment. Place the drip pan underneath the oil drain plug below your vehicle and then unplug it with the socket. Take the oil filter out with the oil filter wrench, the filter sits in front of the oil pan. Set the new oil filter in its place, secure the filter manually. Fill the oil filler cap with new oil and replace the cap. Close up the plug by putting it back on with the socket wrench.
Raise your vehicle up with the jack. Take the jack stands out from underneath the vehicle. Lower your vehicle onto the ground. Start the engine and let it run for ten minutes. Find the dipstick beside the oil filler cap, pull it out to check your oil level, the oil should reach the full line. Pour more oil into the oil filler cap if necessary.