Replacing the EGR valve on the Saturn SL series engine is a job that can be completed in less than a half hour. The EGR valve in the Saturn is located near the back of the engine above the intake manifold on the driver's side of the engine. The EGR valve is designed to recycle the emissions gases to reduce the exhaust fumes. Occasionally, you will need to replace the EGR valve in order to keep your vehicle running efficiently.
Unfasten the negative battery cable from the battery post of the Saturn SL with an open-end wrench.
Remove the two-pronged electrical plug on the top of the EGR valve, sliding a flat-head screwdriver underneath the plastic clip on the side and lifting the plug up by hand.
Loosen the bolts on the bottom of the EGR valve with a socket wrench and remove the valve from the top of the intake manifold.
Clean the remaining gasket material from the top of the intake material where the EGR valve sits with a putty knife. Be careful not to get any gasket material inside the intake manifold.
Attach the new EGR valve and gasket to the top of the intake manifold and secure the valve with bolts. Connect the two-pronged electrical plug to the top of the EGR valve by hand until you hear the clip lock into place.
Attach the negative battery cable to the battery post of the Saturn SL and secure with the open-end wrench.