A tune-up refers to a number of maintenance tasks that must be performed on a regular basis to ensure that your car continues to run smoothly and with minimal problems. Older cars used to require tune-ups quite frequently, but your 2007 Honda Accord Coupe will only need one every 100,000 miles. This is because the Accord uses a distributor-less ignition system, which means that there are fewer moving parts to be maintained, checked or replaced.
Change the Accord's air filter. Do this by removing the four 8mm bolts on the air box with a socket wrench and an 8mm socket, then pull out the old air filter and put in the new one. Bolt the box shut using the bolts you removed earlier.
Check the drive belts for any wear or tear. Look at the belts and see if there are any cracks; if so, the belts will need to be replaced.
Change the Accord's spark plugs. Pull off the spark plug caps with your hand and then use a 5/8-in. deep-well socket and a socket extension to unscrew and remove the spark plugs. Place the new spark plug into the engine and tighten it using the same socket and socket wrench.
Check the brake, clutch, wiper, power steering, oil and radiator fluid levels. Make sure that all of the fluid levels are between the minimum and maximum markings. If they are not, fill them accordingly.
Measure the amount of tread left on your tires. If there is less than a quarter inch of tread left, you may need to replace your tires.