Vehicle emissions are responsible for the distribution of harmful gases, which include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides. Together, these gases cause ground level smog that aggravates breathing difficulties. Follow these simple steps to reduce vehicle emissions.
Ride a bicycle, carpool or choose public transportation. With vehicles acting as a major source of pollution, removing as many vehicles as possible from the road will have the greatest impact.
Drive at a moderate speed, no more than 45 mph when possible.
Turn your ignition off when waiting in a drive-thru or in congested traffic and do not let your car idle for more than 30 seconds.
Take the shortest route possible, and plan your drive so that you do not backtrack or travel out of your way.
Keep your vehicle in good operating condition, and maintain it according to the instructions in the vehicle's owner's manual. Have your vehicle inspected on a regular basis, and fix any mechanical problems that arise.
Choose a clean-burning fuel, which reduces ozone-forming pollutants by up to 17 percent.
Buy a more energy efficient car, one that produces fewer emissions or runs using an alternative fuel. Opt for a newer car when possible; older, used cars release more pollutants into the air.