Checking Oil With the Engine Running

Engine oil needs to be changed every three months to ensure a vehicle's engine does not become severely damaged. Frequently checking the oil level in an engine is the best way to prevent damage.


  • Engine oil is an essential component of a vehicle. It prevents metal surfaces in an engine from grinding together and transfers heat away from the combustion cycle. It also cleans engines of chemical by-products of combustion and build-ups.

Cooled Oil

  • The most effective way to check the oil in an engine is to allow the engine to cool. Measuring a cooled unit allows for a more accurate reading because the oil shifts in an active engine to prevent overheating and gives a false low reading. Also, when oil is cold it is thick and drains slowly. Heated engine oil can burn skin.

Oil Cap

  • Many new cars have the oil cap positioned directly over valve lifters. These cylinder openers move while the car is running. Accidentally pouring oil on these moving parts can create a serious mess on the engine parts and the person who poured the oil.